Quisumbing Clan

Family tree and genealogy of Quisumbing and their families, ancestors and descendants


Our website is the collected results from several persons' family research during several years but is not a finished or complete work: New persons and data are continually added because the research continues and we have more material to add. You are very welcome to study the results of our research but there are some limitations if you are not logged-in (i.e. not registered in our family tree). If you are a descendant of someone in our tree and have seriously researched your family, you are welcome to apply for a user account, and in that way help the tree to grow. The account is of course for free. When you get a user account, all parts of the site that you currently can not see, will be open to you, for example all kinds of images, photos and documents, our Photo Gallery. There are also a number of tables, graphs and maps that you can not see now. Moreover, there are printing options, and you may also see all personal notes and all the data sources. Tell us who you are related to and describe in what way and how you can show it, and you will receive a prompt reply. NOTE! Only descendants to persons in our family tree, who apply themselves and want to be added to it, can be granted a user account.

The Start of the Clan

main imageThe first Quisumbing was Mariano Que Sum Bing, a Chinese national from Amoy, Fukien Province in mainland China. He became a persona non grata with Spanish authorities such that he had to leave Manila to return to China. Years later he returned to Manila sporting a queue (pigtail). The queue was imposed by the Manchu rulers of China on their Chinese subjects. Lolo Mariano was a wealthy man owning properties along what is now known as Calle Nueva near the Escolta. He rode in a carruaje, a horse-drawn carriage. His wife was Bernardina Gonzalez, a Spaniard. Lola Bernardina was the younger of two sisters. The elder sister was married to a Spaniard who so maltreated her that Lola Bernardina vowed never to marry a Spaniard. Eventually she later married a Chinese, Lolo Mariano. The purpose of our website is two-fold: * Partly to collect as much data as possible about our families at one place and make it available, first and foremost for our relatives but also for others who are interested. * Partly to make contact with relatives by showing enough material to make it easy to see if one belongs in our family tree and by that we can make the tree grow as far and wide as possible.


Featured Topic

The Quisumbing Clan


Our Families

Our Ancestors
Vicente Quisumbing
Vicente Quisumbing

Vicente Quisumbing

Filomena Quisumbing
Filomena Quisumbing

Filomena Quisumbing

Gaudencio Quisumbing
Guadencio Quisumbing

Guadencio Quisumbing

Alejandro Quisumbing
Alejandro Quisumbing

Alejandro Quisumbing

Webmaster Message

We strive to document all of our sources in this family tree. If you have something to add, please let us know.